Monday, October 26, 2009

Nathaniel and I have made it 6 years together and are still alive to talk about it haha! On September 25th, 2009 we celebrated our 6th Wedding anniversary. Yay!We have been through a lot of changes, trials, and happy times over the last 6 years and have so much to look forward to in the future. Our anniversary fell on a Sunday so we enjoyed being with our babies, and reminissing a little over our life together the last 6 years. We have quickly accumulated 3 kids, a heck of a lot more patience, and a healthy sense of humor. We have learned to love and trust eachother more each year, and are learning what makes each other tick. We also know, however, that by talking to our parents this process is never ending. We look forward to improving, loving, and enjoying each other more and more as the years come. Even though it was a fairly uneventful anniversary, the quiet reflections of our family and Nathaniel and I's decisons together put a smile on my face and remind me of what a great man he is and how hard he works for our family. I love him and just wanted to post that publicly so he can read this and enjoy the pictures below. Happy Anniversary Nathaniel! We hope everyone enjoys the pictures!

So after noticing my last post was in June I have a lot of catching up to do. The kids (all of them) are growing and growing. It is fun to see them all change and play with each other. Jaxon and Jordan both love to wrestle, and play pirates, transformers, and cars. When they aren't doing that they are sreeming while Sienna chases after them pretending to be a ghost. I just sit and crack up as I watch them play. It is especially fun to see how Sienna interacts with the boys since she is the only girl. She totally gives them a run for their money! We moved into a beautiful house as of September 29th, and feel so blessed. It is a beautiful home North of Denver. We feel so lucky since we have lived in apartments for so long. Here we have a basement where the kids go to ride there scooters and play with there toys. I have decided basements are a moms dream come true. My favorite phrase of the day "Go in the basement and play while mommy gets some things done k." Bliss, pure bliss haha! Nathaniel is still working for Dish Network, and looking for other work avenues in the meantime. This year has definately been a challenge for us as far as employment, but we are hoping to see something great come through soon. For now we find much happiness in our children and any family that comes to visit. We are learning the importance of patience, and the importnce of planning ahead and being prepared. Hard work is an understatement, but I would rather be busy working, then sitting around with nothing to do. A vacation wouldn't be too horrible though haha! We are thankful for our family and that everyone is healthy, and look forward to Nathaniel's family coming to visit here in a couple of days. Jaxon is thriving in school, and becoming more and more independent each day. Jordan is going to Joy school twice a week, and is always saying something funny. He loves his stuffed monkey, and takes it along with him wherever he goes. We found him the other morning lying in bed with his monkey stuffed under his pajama top, with the head poking out of the top of his PJ's. He was fast asleep, and Nathaniel and I just laughed. Sienna is by far our craziest child. Keeping up with her is a work out in itself. She is into everything, climbing into or up on everything, and is constantly tasting and touching every thing she shouldn't be. Let's just say we have poisen controls number posted on the fridge after she decided to drink a glade plug in. I love kids! Such low stress and very little to worry about. Anyway, she is alive and well so that is good and I have learned that literally EVERYTHING must be out of her reach. So if you come to our home and the bedrooms are a little musty smelling it is because we have not glad plug in any longer in the bedrooms :) . Nathaniel and I are hanging in, and I just recently got P90X so I will be super hot according to what everyone tells me who has done it so far. I am greatly anticipating that day, and am also anxious to move without every muscle in my body being sore... work it! Other than that life goes on. We will see what new adventures await us in the coming months!

We of course cannot leave out Jaxons 5th Birthday celebration we had in september....
Jaxon is our crazy man who is always pulling funny faces, laughing, singing songs (most are about potty stuff, ahhhh boys haha!) and giving mom and dad lots of loves. He is a social butterfly at school, and is really enjoying school. His birthday party was fun but hectic for mom and dad. We invited 10 kids and ended up with 25 as you can see in the pictures. Apparently people thought they should bring the whole family haha! The more the crazier I say! We had a pinata and presents. The cake was a one photo opportunity since it got knocked over at the party and was distroyed (so sad). But all in all Jaxon had a blast and after two hours of games and fun he looked at me and said "I wish my party could go longer mom." I of course was about ready to collapse! Go times, Crazy memories! Happ 5th Jaxon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on such a beautiful family! - Well, most of you...everyone except the freakishly tall one. Anyway, I remember your wedding, it was awesome. Congrats, again!